Name: UncleSam
Rank: Captain
Duties: Recruiting Officer
Plane of Choice: Nieuport 28

Favorite Maneuver:

Total Kills: 176
Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
ICQ Number: 10597719 Click on ICQ number to add to ICQ list, when prompted click on open file from source.

Awards: Medaille Militaire (US 22nd) Croix de Guerre (US 22nd)

Verdun Medal (US 22nd), Legion of Honor (US 22nd)

Distngshd. Service Cross (US 22nd), Congrssnal. Medal of Honor (US 147th)

Austrian Iron Cross of Merit (Flik 61j) Vittorio Veneto Campaign (Flik 61j)

Background: UncleSam was the RO of the US 147th and flew in Great War 2 from May to August 1999. He was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his kills, leadership, and constant participation. He shot down 49 enemy aircraft during the War.