Past Postings

Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.


More of the Same OR [groan] "I hate these people."

The world famous goomer people and the great god Goo Goo.


The guy feels sorry for himself; has then the inevitable tantrum, and basically wants to take it out on someone (if not everybody.)


They possess high value and high worth - so, at any rate, they claim. Yet how long, one wonders, will it be before they stop forcing themselves on others?


They prefer those not participate who can compete, and say "Let us be in charge and we will benignly take care of everybody in the end; only in the meantime we must rule with an iron boot and fist. Finally, about this and our doing so, no discussion is to be permitted."


The church does not own God, and a given faith or denomination that rejects honest truth and fundamental justice is the furthest thing from him among us.


Just as some polluters daily did or do pour forth tons upon tons of toxic emissions; so daily weekly, monthly and for years they puts out by means of literal violence and vandalism, ongoing pain, suffering, agony and even tragedy.

"Even so," we are chided, "let him do this."


"Because he is loved and blessed."


As sophisticated and clever at concealment and evasion as some diseases.


"I never was all that comfortable with the idea of brain torture radios, but now that they are gone and a thing of the past..." (But and in reality and of course they aren't.)


"We will control or own whatever it is so people will have to go through me to get it. Since if we don't, they will completely ignore us."


In my opinion, were it possible to keep criminal spirit people out of human affairs it would reduce the level of all of life's most serious problems by something like 90%.


Those poor animals didn’t do anything (i.e., wrong.)


The Devil needs a place to stay; so where would you have him live? After all, you don't really expect him to just go away, now do you?


“Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof.”

Note. Pardon the rather random, desultory and copious nature of these remarks and observations, but they have been piling up and I earlier wasn't in much of a mood for posting. Just now, however, the moment just so happens to be free.


Mere nature would suffice were people not dishonest, conniving, avaricious.


Whether science or religion, both are most dangerous when they are immoral and or irrational.


You say he is person of great power, indeed a veritable god. Yet what is his moral character? Or are you saying his importance is greater than or need not take into consideration morals?


For those who fail, the world is too big. For those who succeed it is too small.


You can have your palace, your worldly clout and riches, your "heaven," your gang rape, your world of make believe. All we ask is that you keep the peace and leave us our happy family and happy home -- and you've got yourself a deal.


The church acts as a necessary break on intemperate and unbridled physical desire. So they say, "no more church." Similarly: Friend of the god. Enemy of the church. Why? Because the latter is false and unjust.


Who is it that says we should love and live in harmony, and yet does not insist on our being honest and rational? Why the devil can do (does) as much.


If they are spirit people with magical powers from beyond, they must be right.


It's the very fact that they can't do anything that they are allowed to do it. [This by divine high decree of course.]


If he succeeds then a fool and a madman, with the necessary help of numerous dumb people, will have taken over the world.


[ch. 26]
...Now, with respect to this point— His prior existence a few years ago— we have to remark as follows. Could it have come to pass without divine assistance, that Jesus, desiring during these years to spread abroad His words and teaching, should have been so successful, that everywhere throughout the world, not a few persons, Greeks as well as Barbarians, learned as well as ignorant, adopted His doctrine, so that they struggled, even to death in its defence, rather than deny it, which no one is ever related to have done for any other system? I indeed, from no wish to flatter Christianity, but from a desire thoroughly to examine the facts, would say that even those who are engaged in the healing of numbers of sick persons, do not attain their object— the cure of the body— without divine help; and if one were to succeed in delivering souls from a flood of wickedness, and excesses, and acts of injustice, and from a contempt of God, and were to show, as evidence of such a result, one hundred persons improved in their natures (let us suppose the number to be so large), no one would reasonably say that it was without divine assistance that he had implanted in those hundred individuals a doctrine capable of removing so many evils. And if any one, on a candid consideration of these things, shall admit that no improvement ever takes place among men without divine help, how much more confidently shall he make the same assertion regarding Jesus, when he compares the former lives of many converts to His doctrine with their after conduct, and reflects in what acts of licentiousness and injustice and covetousness they formerly indulged, until, as Celsus, and they who think with him, allege, “they were deceived,” and accepted a doctrine which, as these individuals assert, is destructive of the life of men; but who, from the time that they adopted it, have become in some way meeker, and more religious, and more consistent, so that certain among them, from a desire of exceeding chastity, and a wish to worship God with greater purity, abstain even from the permitted indulgences of (lawful) love.
~ Origen (c. 184-c. 253), Contra Celsus, Book I


[Posted at the Lee's Legion [age on Face Book]


For which in .pdf see:


Now who do you suppose is the one individual most aggrieved and upset, indeed loses sleep, over the (real or alleged) offenses of Julian Assange?


....It is said also that the body of Alcmene disappeared, as they were carrying her forth for burial, and a stone was seen lying on the bier instead. In short, many such fables are told by writers who improbably ascribe divinity to the mortal features in human nature, as well as to the divine. At any rate, to reject entirely the divinity of human virtue, were impious and base; but to mix heaven with earth is foolish. Let us therefore take the safe course and grant, with Pindar, that

"Our bodies all must follow death's supreme behest,
But something living still survives, an image of life, for this alone
Comes from the gods."

Yes, it comes from them, and to them it returns, not with its body, but only when it is most completely separated and set free from the body, and becomes altogether pure, fleshless, and undefiled. For "a dry soul is best," according to Heracleitus, and it flies from the body as lightning flashes from a cloud. But the soul which is contaminated with body, and surfeited with body, like a damp and heavy exhalation, is slow to release itself and slow to rise towards its source. We must not, therefore, violate nature by sending the bodies of good men with their souls to heaven, but implicitly believe that their virtues and their souls, in accordance with nature and divine justice, ascend from men to heroes, from heroes to demi-gods, and from demi-gods, after they have been made pure and holy, as in the final rites of initiation, and have freed themselves from mortality and sense, to gods, not by civic law, but in very truth and according to right reason, thus achieving the fairest and most blessed consummation.
~ Plutarch, "Romulus," ch. 28.


[ch. 6]
After this, through the influence of some motive which is unknown to me, Celsus asserts that it is by the names of certain demons, and by the use of incantations, that the Christians appear to be possessed of (miraculous) power; hinting, I suppose, at the practices of those who expel evil spirits by incantations. And here he manifestly appears to malign the Gospel. For it is not by incantations that Christians seem to prevail (over evil spirits), but by the name of Jesus, accompanied by the announcement of the narratives which relate to Him; for the repetition of these has frequently been the means of driving demons out of men, especially when those who repeated them did so in a sound and genuinely believing spirit. Such power, indeed, does the name of Jesus possess over evil spirits, that there have been instances where it was effectual, when it was pronounced even by bad men, which Jesus Himself taught (would be the case), when He said: “Many shall say to Me in that day, In Your name we have cast out devils, and done many wonderful works.” Whether Celsus omitted this from intentional malignity, or from ignorance, I do not know. And he next proceeds to bring a charge against the Saviour Himself, alleging that it was by means of sorcery that He was able to accomplish the wonders which He performed; and that foreseeing that others would attain the same knowledge, and do the same things, making a boast of doing them by help of the power of God, He excludes such from His kingdom. And his accusation is, that if they are justly excluded, while He Himself is guilty of the same practices, He is a wicked man; but if He is not guilty of wickedness in doing such things, neither are they who do the same as He. But even if it be impossible to show by what power Jesus wrought these miracles, it is clear that Christians employ no spells or incantations, but the simple name of Jesus, and certain other words in which they repose faith, according to the holy Scriptures.
~ Origen (c. 184-c. 253), Contra Celsus, Book I


Back in the day, and unlike recent years where the diabolical is made palatable and acceptable even to children as per "Wicked" and "Harry Potter" (and similar Manichean programming), the movies presented evil and criminal spirit people as something undesirable. One particularly good film in this regard is "The Return of Dracula" (1958), appropriately produced by the now defunct United Artists, and starring Francis Lederer. In its use of working cemeteries and crypts and in depicting the practice of other worldly criminals of making evil as something good and desirable, it is disturbingly realistic. Although campy in some respects and the script sometimes too abrupt in its simple logic, "The Return of Dracula" (1958) is often quite chilling, and surprisingly so. Amusingly enough, in a later interview he did Lederer protested that he was actually a good person. Why he felt the need to explain this, see for yourself (if you haven't already.)
["The Return of Dracula - 1958 - Francis Lederer (HD Remastered / Full Movie)"]


["Beethoven - Symphony No.9 (10000 Japanese) - Freude schöner Götterfunken" - originally aired on the Arte channel]


[ch. 2]
...Now this is our answer to his [Celsus] allegations, and our defence of the truths contained in Christianity, that if any one were to come from the study of Grecian opinions and usages to the Gospel, he would not only decide that its doctrines were true, but would by practice establish their truth, and supply whatever seemed wanting, from a Grecian point of view, to their demonstration, and thus confirm the truth of Christianity. We have to say, moreover, that the Gospel has a demonstration of its own, more divine than any established by Grecian dialectics.
~ Origen (c. 184-c. 253), Contra Celsus, Book I


(Actual song starts at 1:07.)

["Blowing In The Wind (1963) - Bee Gees"]

