Past Postings

Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.



I am no expert or very informed person to speak on such things (my thing and own personal experience, as may you know or else see my sundry writings, is with criminal spirit people and brain torture radios), but what he says make sense and sounds credible; no less so when you learn efforts were made to have this talk removed from YT. Is he wrong? Then prove it (but for cryin'-out-loud don't censor him.)

["Christopher Bollyn MA 2017 “Who Really Did 9/11 - PART 1”"]

For part 2 see:
["Christopher Bollyn MA 2017 “Who Really Did 9/11 - PART 2”"]



[jn.9.41] "Jesus said to them: If you were blind, you should not have sin: but now you say: We see. Your sin remaineth."

Which prompts one to ask: If they see things truly as they claim, why do they not discuss or debate? Or show real willingness to do so?

The answer? Bribing, fooling (including putting out hoax opponents), scaring, and beating people up is much easier. Besides talk is cheap.

Then as matter of course I will be reminded by one or other of his craven followers that he all powerful and invincible.

Yet if that is so, why the need to resort to such low-down in the gutter tactics? And further, what is this business about his concealing his appearance?

Their implied or in effect reply to this?

"Yes, but you would only laugh (i.e., if you saw what he actually looks like.)"


[ch. 5]
...For if, as some think, he was a nature of darkness, how is Lucifer said to have existed before? Or how could he arise in the morning, who had in himself nothing of the light? Nay, even the Saviour Himself teaches us, saying of the devil, “Behold, I see Satan fallen from heaven like lightning.”
...If then they are called opposing powers, and are said to have been once without stain, while spotless purity exists in the essential being of none save the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but is an accidental quality in every created thing; and since that which is accidental may also fall away, and since those opposite powers once were spotless, and were once among those which still remain unstained, it is evident from all this that no one is pure either by essence or nature, and that no one was by nature polluted. And the consequence of this is, that it lies within ourselves and in our own actions to possess either happiness or holiness; or by sloth and negligence to fall from happiness into wickedness and ruin, to such a degree that, through too great proficiency, so to speak, in wickedness (if a man be guilty of so great neglect), he may descend even to that state in which he will be changed into what is called an “opposing power.”
~ Origen (c. 184-c. 253), On First Principles, Book I


Blacklisted? Aw shucks!

If you have it in your power to do things up right, you would now wouldn't you? Yet some clearly have such power, but do not do so because they get that power from those who purposely do things wrong. Till it reaches a point where you cannot be respectable without his approval, and as you know only respectable people are allowed to participate in the great movement to save us all.

He has problems. (Boy, does he have problems.) His idea then of a solution? Continually cause someone else problems who is not a party member and or has it too good, or if need be take it out on a party member as well. He flogs them on in order that they might all the more do wrong and misbehave; till at last the entire globe is so whipped.

If then you are less than pleased at not being permitted to be happy (at least more than is allowed), you can thank his good buddy the beloved Chemosh for THAT. Even so, he resents my criticism and argues and has argued "all right, but how else did you ever expect me to be rich and get a girlfriend?" Now how's THAT for "living?"

My view is simply this: The day they forced themselves on another (or others) - and refused to desist in the face of all entreaty - THAT was the day any INTELLIGENT person would have realized that all claim of divinity on their part was utterly and completely bogus. As for the rest, what persuades a herd greater than fear and presents?

The world never was as it was but that SOMEONE (yes SOMEONE) decided it be that way, so that things well might have been completely different had people chosen differently.

And that I submit and in my opinion is the whole business in a nutshell and the origin of all evil deserving of the name - let reformers, politicians, activists, social scientists, generals and churchmen carry on as they will to save the world.


[Posted on Face Book]

"Less than" video quality, but Del himself is looking and sounding good.

["del shannon - runaway" - Del performing in Australia on the midday show]


[Posted on Face Book]

Here's a great instrumental version of the same from earlier; though I recommend just the listening, not much of a viewing show. For which reason also I made an .mp3 with the dead air portions edited out, and which can be downloaded below.
["Fireball XL5 - Guitar Instrumental (Free Tab available)" - Neville Worthington]


[Posted on Face Book]

"O tempora o mores"

["Dyan Cannon, David Hemmings and John Phillip Law fight to the death..." - scene from "The Love Machine" (1971)]


["All I Have To Do Is Dream" - Patty Duke from the album "Patty"]

