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Previous William Thomas Sherman Info Page postings, quotes, observations, etc.


[ch. 11]
...It is not then without reason that in the mysteries that obtain among the Greeks, lustrations hold the first place; as also the laver among the Barbarians. After these are the minor mysteries, which have some foundation of instruction and of preliminary preparation for what is to come after; and the great mysteries, in which nothing remains to be learned of the universe, but only to contemplate and comprehend nature and things.

We shall understand the mode of purification by confession, and that of contemplation by analysis, advancing by analysis to the first notion, beginning with the properties underlying it; abstracting from the body its physical properties, taking away the dimension of depth, then that of breadth, and then that of length. For the point which remains is a unit, so to speak, having position; from which if we abstract position, there is the conception of unity.

If, then, abstracting all that belongs to bodies and things called incorporeal, we cast ourselves into the greatness of Christ, and thence advance into immensity by holiness, we may reach somehow to the conception of the Almighty, knowing not what He is, but what He is not. And form and motion, or standing, or a throne, or place, or right hand or left, are not at all to be conceived as belonging to the Father of the universe, although it is so written. But what each of these means will be shown in its proper place. The First Cause is not then in space, but above both space, and time, and name, and conception...
~ Clement of Alexandria (c.150–c.215), The Stromata, Book 5.


Historical documentaries of recent decades tend generally to be notorious for their loud, thundering, inept use of music, and badly acted, unconvincing, and inaccurate dramatizations; all of which would vastly improve, if not necessarily salvage, the given program if omitted entirely. Yet just the other day I happened to catch this (on YouTube), about Pres. James Garfield assassin Charles Guiteau, where such was not the case; indeed so much so that the actor portraying Guiteau deserves, in my opinion, an Oscar or something like for his performance.

["Charles Guiteau Murdered President Garfield"] The YouTube description of which reads:

"Published on Nov 29, 2015
"My company made this for the PBS series, American Experience. It was a documentary experiment combining a true account of the story with almost complete reenactments. The director, Rocky Collins, attempted to create a style that fit the slower sense of time back then. I think that he, and we, succeeded. But it wasn't very popular on television..."

Prior to watching, I did not know very much beyond the most basic facts about either Garfield or Guiteau, but having now informed myself better, it seems to me safe to conclude that Guiteau was or may have been under the influence of some criminal spirit person, and to what greater or lesser degree naturally remaining to be determined. Of interest also is that Guiteau -- both historically and as portrayed in this documentary, and which are not (in fairness) quite or exactly the same thing -- bears a resemblance to the ghoulish magician; evincing a certain high intelligence, cold bloodedness, a sometimes undeniable truthfulness, megalomania, lack of self-esteem, and obvious lunacy. Though I would not want to overstate the point or speak of a mirror image, the likeness in certain points is nonetheless striking and certainly helpful.

Looking further into Guiteau, I found he wrote a number of published works, including The Truth, and The Removal (1882), two separate but in this publication combined writings, and which is available in .pdf at:

At pages 61 and 62, in a section entitled "HADES AND THE FINAL JUDGMENT," Guiteau makes the following intriguing remarks and which may at least in some part, and despite his own lack of credibility in other respects, turn out to be correct:

"What kind of a place is Hades? We answer, Hades is the resting-place of the dead. It is the place where the dead (both righteous and wicked) await their final disposition, the righteous being detained for heaven, and the wicked for eternal punishment.

"The Bible characterizes the inhabitants of Hades as in a state of sleep (Dan., xii, 2; I Cor., xv, 51,) but they are not in a state of absolute unconsciousness. They are simply withdrawn from the world of sense, like a person in ordinary slumber. They are in the soul of the universe instead of the body. Their operation on the surface ceases at death. Their sleep is opposed to the visible activity of this world, and also to the perfect activity of the resurrection world. After Christ's crucifixion He remained in Hades three days, and then He ascended to the Father. Before He ascended He appeared to His disciples and said, 'All power is given to me, in heaven and on earth,' i. e., He entered upon a career of activity in both worlds. The saints in Hades sleep until their resurrection, when they, too, will be active in both worlds. The 'saints' are said to 'sleep in the dust of the earth,' because their abode is not in heaven, but in Hades; i.e., until their resurrection.

"Hades and mortality (i.e., this world) may be compared to two apartments on the same floor of a house. Heaven, or God's home, is the floor above. The resurrection is a transit to God's home. It is not a transit from one apartment to another. Enoch and Elijah passed into Hades by translation. And Lazarus returned from Hades at the call of Christ. Christ ascended out of Hades at the call of God. This same mighty power will at last draw 'all men to Christ,' (John, xii, 32,) the righteous as well as the wicked. The dead, small and great, must stand before God. The Paradise of Hades is not the final abode of the righteous. They are to be brought up for judgment and then pass into the kingdom of the Father. Hades is not the final abode of the wicked. They, too, must appear before the judgment-seat of Christ, and then pass into the lake of fire which burns for ever and ever. (Rev., XX, 10-15 ; and xxi, 8.)"


Although, aside from the Church Fathers extracts, I don't usually much post at this website as I did in the past, I do regularly take down notes of ideas or thoughts that come to me as self reminders and or for possible future use. The following, for fun or for your possible interest, then are some of those jottings, presented randomly; make of them what you will or as you like.

* Is there any difference between holiness and a good moral character? In what way are they the same? In what ways are they possibly different?

* Fable of the ant and the grasshopper, but with this twist. The grasshopper breaks into the ant's bungalow, beats him up, and steals his hard won and carefully gathered food.

* A disease you won't combat will make you its slave.

* Despite what you may at times think, you are not THE One.

* Is there hope for the moral and rational improvement of society, and if so in what does it lie?

* We attempt to conceptualize God based on various ideas, conceptions and even mere perceptions and sensations, yet these must be highly subjective owing to His (for most of us) incomprehensible nature and scope. Even so, it is well to remember that subjective doesn't necessarily imply false. It merely means not objective or not yet objective.

* The healing in a lifetime's span is like one of many nights of sleep for a sick person (i.e., humanity) on the road to recovery.

* Is there not, after all, someone somewhere who can give you whatever you need or fix whatever needs to be fixed? If so, who is it that is separating you from them?

* Why may not thoughts and emotions be measured in distances (as well as in time?)

* Can an agnostic or atheist venerate or hold anything sacred? If so, on what basis? If not, what is their love really worth?

* So you say, and that may well be true in hooligan land. But not in this country.

* Everything you have forgotten somewhere still exists.

* Criminal spirit persons operate on the principle of making people stupid in order to turn them into more or less obedient slaves. One way to of doing this is by having them offer human or animal sacrifices. Betray someone and offer up a sacrifice of the innocent and you and your friends can have family, status, money, respectability, etc.

* A person obsessed and preoccupied with revenge is his own worst enemy, and this makes him comical. But why should he care at being laughed, as long as it gets him attention!

* That a spirit person is technologically or in some method superior to you does not prove them a god.

* He who solely gets his culture from the mass media eats out of a trough.

* As frequently (or more) as the common cold will arise, so will a serious devil.

* Once again the devil has come among us, and once again he is the last blamed.


[ch. 3]
...The righteous man will seek the discovery that flows from love, to which if he hastes he prospers. For it is said, “To him that knocks, it shall be opened: ask, and it shall be given to you.” [Matthew 7:7] “For the violent that storm the kingdom” [Matthew 11:12] are not so in disputatious speeches; but by continuance in a right life and unceasing prayers, are said “to take it by force,” wiping away the blots left by their previous sins.

“You may obtain wickedness, even in great abundance.
And him who toils God helps;
For the gifts of the Muses, hard to win,
Lie not before you, for any one to bear away.”...

...“Many rod-bearers there are, but few Bacchi,” according to Plato. “For many are called, but few chosen.” [Matthew 20:16] “Knowledge is not in all,” [1 Corinthians 8:7] says the apostle. “And pray that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.” [2 Thessalonians 3:1-2] And the Poetics of Cleanthes, the Stoic, writes to the following effect:—

“Look not to glory, wishing to be suddenly wise,
And fear not the undiscerning and rash opinion of the many;
For the multitude has not an intelligent, or wise, or right judgment,
And it is in few men that you will find this.”...
~ Clement of Alexandria (c.150–c.215), The Stromata, Book 5.

